Difficulties in learning Spanish for English speakers I

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Writing in spanish as a second language. Aprende a escribir en español
In the Spanish language the name makes a difference between masculine and feminine
There are nouns that change gender depending on the final vowel (desinence) and there are nouns that are always masculine or feminine. There are also nouns that are the same for masculine and feminine and are differentiated only by the article. Finally, there are ambiguous nouns, which are neither masculine nor feminine.
Continuar leyendo «Masculine or feminine: Gender in Spanish»Learning a new language is about living in that language. In Escribe en Español we repeat it over and over again: we don’t want you to study, we want you to speak Spanish from day one. You only know four sentences in the present tense and twenty words as your entire vocabulary? Well, you have to start somewhere. If that’s your Spanish on day one, let’s use it.
Learning Spanish requires daily contact with the language. Being part of our Comunidad Escribe en Español is the fastest and safest way to learn at lightning speed. But following these routines will also be very useful for you:
Aprender un nuevo idioma es vivir en ese idioma. En Escribe en Español lo repetimos mil veces: no queremos que estudies, queremos que hables español desde el primer día. ¿Cuatro frases en tiempo presente y veinte palabras como todo vocabulario? Bueno, por algo se empieza. Si ese es tu español el primer día, vamos a utilizarlo.
Aprender español requiere un contacto diario con el idioma. Formar parte de nuestra Comunidad Escribe en Español es la forma más rápida y segura de aprender a la velocidad de la luz. Pero seguir estas rutinas también te resultará muy útil: